Why I am a supporter of the Pro ACT of 2021

I’m pro worker and pro union. What the gig economy has done to their workers is absurd and is only allowed to happen here in the United States. The legalese of the three prongs needs to be scaled back but requiring companies to pay the required fees for employees, including handling workers comp insurance is really what this is about. And I’m sorry, but I’m a free market capitalist and that means if you can’t afford to run your business in an ethical way which plays by the morally common rules then you shouldn’t be in business. The same goes for the millionaire franchise owners who refuse to pay their employees a living wage. If you can’t afford to pay a living wage, then you shouldn’t be in business or your product wasn’t that great because the market wouldn’t support it. This act just exposes more companies profiting off the backs of people.

This act won’t force anyone to become a full time employee. This act won’t force anyone to change their working relationship. That part of the synopsis is just pure propaganda. What this act does is simply place back the burden of workers comp and tax handling back on the business and if half of you business owners say that that is enough to put you out of business, then I would quietly go back to school and start in another less competitive industry with lower barriers to entry. Unions saved this country from greedy racists who employed children in factories and refused to hire minorities and women. They still serve the same purpose to this day. Look at what’s going on with Amazon. People are literally peeing in bottles on the floor because they are being refused bathroom breaks. Do you support this treatment of employees? Why would a union be a bad thing for the people who power your modern commerce? So, not sure why so many of you have been conditioned to be anti union. It must be Fox News, and the Murdoch’s anti-union stance through out their newspapers and networks. America is about worker’s rights expansions, not worker’s rights restrictions. So sad to see so many of you good people forget that.