Didn’t George Carlin say the owners don’t want aware, smart and educated people? It’s hilarious that this is a thing that has to be said. Why would anyone be opposed to educating the public? Why do Republican’s oppose education? Why is Ducey being vilified by the Tea Party for raising children’s salaries? Why do so many people with kids in the public school system, continually vote against the best interests of their kids in the school system?

I don’t get it.
I don’t get it.
So here it is.

If you rely on public schools for your children. You should vote for the party which supports your children’s efforts. I mean really, I thought these people were Christians yet here we are arguing over money for the schools. And do not get me started on the ending of the school lunch program. I will address the heartlessness of those people in a future post.

Back to the point.

If you send your kids to public schools and you want them to continue learning in the way that will make them competitive young adults, you have to examine exactly what the platform of your party is saying about education.

Conservatives. It’s not good.

Why do you think so many wealthy people are removing children from the public school system? The programs that have been implemented under Republican control like the “No Child Left Behind Act” left the Obama administration reeling to pick up the pieces of that failed legislature. Coupled with the amnesia of modern Republicans who apparently don’t remember the life they’ve lived who now as adults have been brainwashed into wanting to abolish the very same departments and programs which enabled most of them to get to the level of success that allowed them to do things like run for the Senate or Congress. Or by a house, or successfully raise children. Or start a business.

So I ask you, will you fight for the future of America? Will you fight for a child’s God given right to a fair and quality education? The kids aren’t the only ones we are fighting for. The fact that these theocons are actually competitively bragging about who would get rid of what department first. These people are actually proposing things all around the country like getting rid of teachers’ lounges and cutting pay and benefits for teachers. The very same teachers who are already so impassioned with the nobility that is becoming a professional educator, they are spending their own money just to supply underfunded school rooms with the tools these children need to succeed.

We are fighting for the ones who, for a significant portion of a young person’s day, will welcome the challenge of the mentor. We are fighting for the ones who cherish the trust of the caretaker, the judgment of the disciplinarian and compassion of the nose wiper. We support the teachers who are up at 5 am to take care of their own families and still make it to the classroom for the inspired few who need help. We fight for teachers who demand a better education for themselves as a way to empower future generations. We aren’t fighting for the privileged few who just happen to have a teaching certificate. We aren’t fighting for cheaters and the on-their-way-politicians.

We are fighting for the ones who ensure our youth’s safety. For the ones who’s life hope just may very well be to wake up one day and see a student go on to change the world. All while thinking “I made a difference.”

This is the teacher I think about when I hear about the budget slashes and curriculum changes. This is the teacher I think about when I hear about classroom closures in Chicago and Detroit. This is what I think about when I hear about budget deficits in Phoenix. Some of these teachers are doing everything they can within their means to make sure these students have at least a little bit of joy and learning during their young human experience.

So when you think back on your favorite high school or junior high or elementary teacher and the environment they put up with, please answer this question: Do you support the party working towards improving public education and strengthening the classroom? If not, why not?

Respect to all my friends who went on to be teachers.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]