1 in 100 Adult US Males is literally out to hurt, manipulate or steal from you. This isn’t the common criminal who may recognize a mark and then steal from a house with no alarm system. This is the type of individual who will use a multitude of interpersonal tools against their victim over a long period of time. Much like a leech or what people call an energy vampire. Not all are out to physically hurt you, but they will use very recognizable tactics to drain you of your ability to empower yourself. Relationships with psychopaths are extremely difficult to leave for two reasons. One, these types of people will cultivate a whole suite of situational-based skills all based on manipulating the closest ones to them. Two, they can be very charming and will often have a “positive” side which can overshadow the “negative” side. Psychopaths make up 25% of the prison population. Once a psychopath has recognized their behavior, and they are not in danger of going to prison, they generally create a system of rules necessary for them to properly interact with society and the ones the social contract says they should care about.